
The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.
ERA cares about the future. The world´s raw materials are too limited, that we can allow an unlimited consumption. No raw materials; no production. Recycling is an absolute necessity for the world´s industry and even more important; the environment. Recycling reduces the use of raw materials. Recycling demands less energy. Recycling reduces the amount of environmental waste.
Refineries are the true environmentalist. These are the ones doing true recycling. ERA Recycling co-operates with many kinds of refineries and factories. We do business with detinning factories, cobber refineries and even oil refineries
ERA supplies and procures products and services from these refineries and factories.
When doing business with refineries setting a price is often depending on more than a simple commodity price. This is due to the actual process of separating each material. Therefore a final price will depend on the actual combination of the output. An example could be deep sea cables. They could contain cobber, tar, rubber, oil and much more when refining is done, the actual content is known and can be calculated. Hereafter a final price can be given – Of course agreeing on the price of each material before initiating the process.
At ERA we have taken it one step further. Introducing our #onetononetree program. In partnership with ontreeplanted.org ERA is planting one tree for every ton recycled.
Looking for a professional recycling partner? We´d love to hear from you.
Call us idealistic. Call us uncompromising. Call us whatever you like. As long as you call us when you want to recycle.
Tinplate experts
ERA Recycling is no. 1 in misprints, sheets, coils, discs and other prime & secondary tinplate products.
We deliver complete solution to any can manufacturer anywhere. We handle all unwanted production output, such as misprints, leftover discs, obsolete sheets, damaged sheets, coils and production scrap such as.
Due to ERA´s decade-long experience within the can-industry we are able to deliver first class consultancy advice when it comes to supply and disposal. We advise on logistics, activity based investments and other value adding activities. In any case ERA will always take an outset of the company’s existing setup.
We collect, stock and distribute large quantities of tinplate scrap – being Scandinavia’s biggest buyer, collector and seller we know what it takes.
ERA Recycling is buying tinplate scrap for detinning. We offer a full container service that matches the individual demands of our customers. An overall solution with focus on the customer and the environment.
Why detinning?
Detinning is an environmentally correct and resource saving process, which separates the two materials steel and tin, and re-create two independent, reusable and almost 100% pure raw materials. From the household waste huge amounts of tin cans are sent directly to the incineration plants. The combustion melts tin and steel together, resulting in the creation of slag, meaning steel of low quality and value. After the melting the tin can no longer be separated from the steel, and is considered an undesired and polluting part of the steel.
For that reason ERA Recycling is working for a separation of the steel cans in the household waste (tin cans), before the incineration. This will give the opportunity of detinning a massive amount of used food cans.
The global tin reserves will last a minimum of 7 years and resources a minimum of 36 years (www.internationaltin.org), so let´s start detinning.
Call us idealistic. Call us uncompromising. Call us whatever you like. As long as you call us when tinplate is on your mind.

ERA Recycling´s trading department is based in Copenhagen. Our goal is to execute fast and efficient deals for all parties involved. We believe that honest and accurate communication is the only way a strong partnership can be established and continue to prosper.
Our area of expertise is ferrous and non-ferrous scrap, and we buy and deliver in whichever format you need.
ERA recycling is continually looking for partners globally to increase business opportunities, and we encourage you to contact us, if you are interested in a serious trading partner.
We know what it takes, and we work with integrity, honesty and professionalism to achieve own and partner goals. We see our function as a partner service, and our mission is to listen, take action and add value to everybody involved.
Call us idealistic. Call us uncompromising. Call us whatever you like. As long as you call us when you want to trade.

”Dont judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant”